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Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule

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Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule

Salt Name: Isotretinoin
Manufacturer: Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Isotretinoin is an ingredient in the medication Tretiva 10 mg Soft Capsule. It is a vitamin A derivative that occurs naturally. This medication is used to treat severe cases of acne.

Grouped product items
Pack Size Qty Price Unit Price
30 Capsule/s
60 Capsule/s
90 Capsule/s

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Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule is a retinol (vitamin A derivative) medication that belongs to the retinoids class. The medication is used to treat severe acne that has not responded to prior therapies. Your doctor will advise you on the proper dose and duration of Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule medication.

To avoid skipping a dosage, take it with food daily. You may not feel better for a few weeks, but taking the medication regularly will provide the best benefits. If you haven't seen any improvement after a few weeks, consult your doctor.

Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsules treat acne by reducing sebum production (a natural material that causes acne). This will eliminate acne-causing germs and prevent pimples from developing. Continue taking it even if it does not appear to be working.

Acne might grow worse before it gets better, but with appropriate care, it will clear up. As your skin clears, your mood will improve, and your confidence will soar.

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Because the Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule may make you more susceptible to the sun, you should restrict your sun exposure as much as practicable. As a result, your skin may become more delicate.

Do not wax (remove hair) or have laser treatments performed on your body throughout the treatment time. It's also conceivable that drinking enough water and applying a moisturizer can help relieve the Dryness in your mouth, lips, and eyes. This medication's usage may result in congenital disabilities. As a result, if you are pregnant or want to become pregnant, you should visit your doctor right away.

Side Effects

  • Dry skin

  • Increased liver enzymes

  • Rash


Your doctor has recommended Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsules for the treatment of severe acne.

Avoid direct sunlight while using Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsules. Wear protective gear or sunscreen to protect yourself.

Avoid waxing and laser treatments while taking this medication since they may aggravate the fragility of your skin.

It may cause dryness in the mouth, lips, and eyes. Consume lots of water, use moisturizer, and avoid using contact lenses. Please notify your doctor if it gives you any discomfort.

Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule should not be used by pregnant, attempting to become pregnant, or nursing women.

The tracking procedure for the liver's function should be carried out regularly before and during the use of Tretiva 10 Mg Soft Capsule 10 as part of the tracking procedure for the liver's condition.

Tretiva 10 Capsule 10 might interact adversely with anticonvulsants, antibiotics, and supplements taken along with it.

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